September 30, 1998
The Saugus Lions Club now has a web site here on Its direct URL is:
It will be permanently available through the Organizations page, too.
September 29, 1998
We're currently hard at work on another local non-profit organization and another official Saugus commission. Expect them soon...
September 28, 1998
There have again been updates to both the event calendar page and the yard sales page, but what we'd really like to remind people of today is that when they submit feedback asking a specific question, they need to supply an e-mail address, phone number, or something in order for us to reply. We've had a few questions lately from people who didn't provide us with any means of replying to them -- such questions must go unanswered. Here at we have very high standards regarding personal privacy; we don't use cookies or similar dirty tricks to harvest e-mail addresses and we don't build up e-mail address lists or use spam. E-mail addresses given to us attached to questions or submissions will only be used for obvious and appropriate purposes.
September 24, 1998
In addition to updates to both the event calendar page and the yard sales page, we've added detailed information on the upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day in Saugus. This Collection Day information is also freely available in printed form at the Saugus Town Hall.
September 22, 1998
There was a new yard sale entry added in today. In fact, there may be more activity on that page than usual in the next week or two since it was invited to be a part of the national yard sale web ring. (For those of you who don't know what a web ring is, it's a collection of related web sites linked together in a large circular chain.) Of course, this is just happening now at the end of yard sale season, so it may not make much of a difference this year.
September 21, 1998
There were some new calendar entries today; in fact, it changes almost daily even if these little daily notices don't always mention it.
September 18, 1998
Little changes here and there all over the place today; too numerous to individually mention but all very minor. Perhaps the biggest is the removal of the TV & Radio page has been removed from the sidebar. It is still available through the Entertainment page, though. The Help section has been added to the sidebar. Of course feel free to give feedback for the type of information you'd most like to see in the Help area.
September 17, 1998
The Saugus Conservation Commission Page is now available. Its direct URL is:
It will be permanently available through the Government page, too.September 16, 1998
It's a pretty quiet day today, although there was one new yard sale entry and a couple of new calendar entries. As mentioned before, we'll use these little quiet periods to announce companies that were put online by prior to us doing these daily updates. The company for today is GBA, Incorporated. They were established back in 1996, are located on Central Street in Saugus, and specialize in oncology simulators for the treatment of cancer patients.
September 15, 1998
We've added a few more cards into the big online Post Card Collection. Thanks to Fred Brooks for loaning us the post cards to scan and put online. Remember, if you have any old post cards of Saugus that currently aren't in the collection, if you let us borrow them we'll put them online with the appropriate credit and then return them as quickly as possible.
September 14, 1998
Some pictures from Saugus Founders' Day have been posted. It was a fun time for all who attended. To the lucky dozen or so who managed to find the "T-Shirt Dude" in one of his incarnations and were brave enough to say the password for the T-Shirt Contest, congratulations!
September 11, 1998
Finally, there have been a few additions to the Yard Sales Page for yard sales this weekend.
Also, the details of the T-shirt giveaway contest have been posted.
A detailed schedule of Saugus Founders' Day has been posted.
September 10, 1998 will be giving away a limited number of T-shirts at Founders' Day in Saugus this Saturday in a little contest of sorts that may involve some trivia. Details will be posted here tomorrow, so be watching if you want a first-run, limited edition T-shirt.
September 9, 1998
SAVE would like it to be known that on Founder's Day they will be selling Tom Sheehan's book Reflections From Vinegar Hill. All proceeds will add to funds that will be used to purchase additional land on Vinegar Hill.
September 8, 1998
There were numerous little updates over the long weekend, including to the SAVE site, the the Community Event Calendar, the Guestbook, the Miscellaneous Info page, the News Sources page, etc.
September 4, 1998
The Saugus Historical Society's newsletter page has been updated. Check it out to hear the details about the upcoming Historical Society meeting, Historical Society involvement in Founders' Day, etc.
September 3, 1998
Aside from Saugus Public Schools classes starting, it's been a pretty quiet week. Another Saugus commission is currently having its home page constructed; expect it soon. In the meanwhile, we'd like to use this little quiet period to announce one of our first clients who was brought online just before we were doing these daily updates. The company is HANSCO Industries Incorporated. They were established back in 1966 and are located on Whitney Street near Cliftondale in Saugus. We have a few other clients who were also brought online before these daily updates were being done; these we'll announce over the next few weeks to ensure that everyone gets equal time.
September 2, 1998
Just a reminder that the Month's Most Popular Pages page has updated and now reflects's most popular pages for the month of August.
September 1, 1998
The area company Biblical Rembrandt Reproductions is now online. Also, some links have been added to the Organizations page.