Saugus Search

Saugus Information Search Form

Basically just enter the word (or words) you are seeking and hit the "Search" button. In response you'll get a list of pages related to the words you entered. The options below allow you to fine-tune the search.

Search Saugus Sites

More detailed help is available if needed, and we also provide a comprehensive site map, a Sherlock plug-in, a Mozilla / Firefox plug-in, and a Microsoft Internet Explorer channel.

The above form will search through not only, but also all the various non-profit groups represented on, all the official Town Government information on Town.Saugus.MA.US, and quite a few local businesses.

If you're just looking for computer information, you should try using our Computer Knowledgebase Search facilities instead, and if you want to search the entire Internet, you should try using our Internet Search facility instead.

There's also a Google search interface that you can use to search the entire Web or just one of the primary Saugus sites.
