Saugus Senior Center Computer Classes

Computer Classes at the Saugus Senior Center

Please note that we have not offered classes at the Senior Center for quite awhile; it is possible that we will again though if there is enough interest. Some of the lecture notes from one of the classes have been posted online, and all the original information about the classes is below.

For a limited time we'll be offering some courses at the Saugus Senior Center. A subset of our regular courses will be available. These hands-on courses will be designed to start where the basic courses currently offered by the Senior Center finish, and will be inexpensively priced for local seniors, and taught by president and founder Eric W. Brown, a lecturer at Boston University.

Exactly which courses get offered has still not been determined; it depends upon public interest. Note though that each class has a maximum of six students. Currently we're planning two sections for each course -- one for seniors only, and one open to the general public. The starting date has not been set yet, but it will probably be within a couple of months.

If you're interested in any of these courses, it's important that you let us know right away; we do expect them to fill up fairly quickly.

The flyer for these courses (as well as more detailed class descriptions) is now available.

The courses currently available include:

Introduction to Web Page Design
Want to Make a Home Page?

This course covers the most fundamental of web site design using a WYSIWYG tool. Upon completion of this course, a student will have all the basic tools required to make a personal home page on the web. A CD containing legal copies of all required software is provided so the student will easily be able to bring their new-found knowledge home.

Depending upon the interest in this course, a ten-week follow-up course Intermediate Web Page Design will be offered that will help students get even more web skills.

Length of course: 10 weeks
Prerequisites: Basic Computer Skills
Text: None, all online or provided

Introduction to Interactive Fiction Composition
Want to Learn a Little about Programming?

This course is a fun introduction to the fascinating world of Interactive Fiction. Besides covering all the basics needed to partake in a rewarding hobby, it provides a gentle introduction to object-oriented programming concepts. Upon completion of this course, the student will have all the basic tools needed to write typical interactive fiction stories. A CD containing legal copies of all required software is provided so the student will easily be able to bring their new-found knowledge home.

Depending upon the interest in this course, a ten-week follow-up course Intermediate Interactive Fiction Composition will be offered that will help students get even more writing skills.

Length of course: 10 weeks
Prerequisites: Basic Computer Skills
Text: The Inform Beginner's Guide (available online); Roger Firth and Sonja Kesserich

Introduction to the Internet
Want to Use E-Mail & the Web?

This course introduces the beginning computer student to all the concepts required to use all the basic facilities of the Internet including e-mail, Usenet, and the World-Wide-Web. It covers not only the software used to access the Internet, but also the common conventions and "netiquette" to help the new user avoid social difficulties online. A CD containing legal copies of all required software is provided so the student will easily be able to bring their new-found knowledge home.

Length of course: 8 weeks
Prerequisites: Basic Computer Skills
Text: None, all online or provided

A Guide to Free Software
Want to Get Free Software Legally?

This course introduces the student to the wonderful world of free software. Different platforms and windowing systems are discussed in addition to free applications. Basic usage of many of the most popular free packages is covered. A CD containing legal copies of all required software is provided so the student will easily be able to bring their new-found knowledge home.

Depending upon the interest in this course, a six-week follow-up course Using Free Software Online will be offered that will help students take advantage of even more free software.

Length of course: 2 weeks
Prerequisites: Basic Computer Skills
Text: None, all online or provided

For More Information...

If you would like more information about course content please contact us by e-mail at or phone at 781-231-2621. If you would like more information about course availability please contact the Senior Center directly.