Raw List

Raw List of Terms, Extensions, and Free Software

Here's a raw list of items in the Computer Knowledgebase. While not pretty, being able to look over the entries in this manner can sometimes be useful. Most of the time it'll make more sense to use the search facilities instead.

Computer Terms

65xx 68xx a11y ADA AI AIX
AJaX Alpha AltiVec Amiga AmigaOS Apple ][
AppleScript applet AppleTalk application Aqua Archie
ARM ASCII ASK assembly language Atom authoring system
AWK BASIC baud BBS bcode BeOS
beta binary bit bitmap blog boolean
boot browser bug byte bytecode C
C# C++ C64/128 CDE chain character set
chat CISC CLI click COBOL compiled
compression cookie CP/M crash Cray crippleware
CSS cursor database desktop desktop publisher DHTML
dict digital camera DIMM directory disk DNS
DOS DoS download DR-DOS drive driver
DRM DTML e-book e-mail EDBIC emacs
embedded emulator endian environment EPOC extension
FAQ file FireWire firmware fixed width flash
floppy font format Forth FORTRAN FreeBSD
freeware FTP function keys gateway GEOS GHz
Glulx GNOME GNU Go gopher graphics
GUI hardware HP-UX HTML http Hurd
hypertext Hz i18n iCalendar icon IDE
Inform infrared communications Instant Messenger interactive fiction Internet interpreted
ISDN ISP Java JavaScript jiffy joystick
JSON JSON-RPC KDE Kerberos kernel keyboard
kHz l10n language laptop LDAP library
lightweight Linux Lisp load Logo lossy
Lua Mac OS Mac OS Classic Mac OS X machine language Macintosh
MacTel mainframe MathML megahertz memory Merced
MFM MHz middleware MIME MMX MOB
modem Modula-2 monitor MOTD Motif mouse
MS-DOS MS-Windows MUD multimedia multitasking nagware
NC NetBSD netiquette network newbie news
Newton Newton book Newton Script Nimrod notebook nybble
ObjC object-oriented Objective-C++ office suite open source OpenBSD
OpenDocument OpenGL organizer OS OS/2 PA-RISC
Palm DOC Palm Pilot parallel partition Pascal PC
PHP ping pixel platform plug-in point
portable PowerPC printer processor program proprietary
protocol Psion Python queue QuickDraw RAM
random access RDF real-time Rexx RISC robot
robust ROM RSS Ruby run Rust
scanner Scheme script SCSI sequential access serial
server SGML shareware shell SIMM Smalltalk
software Solaris spam SPARC spreadsheet sprite
terminator TEX THz TrackBack UDP/IP Unicode
USB user uucode variable width VAX vector
Veronica VIC-20 virtual machine virtual memory virtual reality virus
WebTV window manager Windows '95 Windows '98 Windows 2000 Windows 3.1
Windows CE Windows ME Windows NT Windows Vista Windows XP WinTel
word processor workstation www WYSIWYG WYSIWYM X-Face
X-Windows X3D x86 XBL XHTML XML

Filename Extensions

3dt a abw adf afm ai aiff & aif apd arc & ark
arj art asp au avi awk B1 bar bat
bdf bep blb & blorb bmp bsh bz2 c C, cpp, & cxx cgi
cgm & metafile chr com cpt crt csh css cvt cwk
cwl cws d00 - d99 d64 del dir dmf dmg doc
docm docx dtml dwf egg el elc emf eps
etd exe f3 & f3b f66, f77, & f90 faq fes fla fm fnc
fpx ftk gam gblorb & glb gdf ged geo gf gif
graffle gz & z h H, hpp, & hxx hdf hex hqx htc html & htm
ics iff indd indt inf jar java jbig & jbg jhtml
jpeg & jpg js key koa kon kpf ksh kth ldb
lha lib lit lnx ltf lwf m M & mm m4b
mdb mf midi & mid mif miff mng mod mov & qt mpeg, mpg, mpeg2, mpeg3, mpeg4, mp2, mp3, mp4, m3u, & m4u
nbk numbers o & obj odb odc odf odg & otg odi odp & otp
ods & ots odt & ott oga & ogg ogv opf p00 - p99 pages pas pbm
pcf pdb & prc pdd pdf pfa pfb pfm pgm php, php3, & php4
phtml pict, pct, & pic pif pk & pxl pkg pl pm, pm3, pm4, & pm5 png pov
ppm ppt pptm pptx pqa press & pre prg ps psd
pxr py pyc & pyo pyd qxd r00 - r99 rar ras rb
rel rle rm rnq rsrc rst rtf ruby s00 - s99
scpt sda sdc sdd sdw sea seb seq sfl & sfp
sfs sfx sh shar & sha shtml & shm sid sit snf so, dll, & dylib
spd spx stx svg swf sxc & stc sxd & std sxi & sti sxm & stm
sxw & stw t64 tar tcl template & tem tfm tga tgz thtml & ttml
tiff & tif topc tr tsv ttf txt & text type u00 ulx
uni url usr uu & uue vbm vf vor vsd wav
wdb wdgt widget wk1 wks wmf wp, wp4, wp5, wp6, & wpd, wpp wps wra & wr3
x3d xbm xcf xls xlsm xlsx xml xo xpi
xpm xps xul xwd Z z1, z2, z3, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8, & zco zblorb & zlb zcml zip
zpt & pt

Free Software

AbiWord Acrobat Reader Adonthell Amaya Angband
Apple JDK Arena Armagetron Art of Illusion BBEdit Lite
BeOS Blender bzip2 Camino cdcd
Chandler Chess CNET Downloads Crystal Space Cyberdog
Doom It Yourself Egoboo Emacs Firefox Flash
Flock FreeBSD Freeciv FreeDOS Freshmeat
Frets on Fire GCC Georgie's Solarcade GFingerPoken Ghostscript
The GIMP Gnash GNOME GNU Go The GNU Software Collection
Gnumeric gPhoto GraphicsMagick GridSlammer GTK
Gzip HotJava The Hurd iCab IF-Archive
ImageMagick Inform Inkscape Jahshaka Java Runtime Environment
JDK Kaffe KDE KOffice Konqueror
KOULES LessTif Links Linux Liquid War
Lynx LyX Mac OS Open Source Software Mac OS Runtime for Java Mahogany
MAngband maplay Mesa 3D MI/X Microsoft Internet Explorer
MikMod Mozilla Mpeg Player mpeg3play MPlayer
MPW MythTV NEdit Net BSD NetHack
Netrek Netscape Neverball NiL Oleo
OpenBSD OpenOffice OpenRPG Opera Parsec
Perl Pine Pingus Playmidi PostgreSQL
POV-Ray PV-DC1000 Drivers Python Quake Quesa
QuickTime RealPlayer Rosegarden RSSOwl Ruby
Safari SANE Scratch Scribus SDL
ShowMe TV SIDPLAY Sodipodi Solaris SoundTracker
Spellcast SQL Stuffit Expander SubEthaEdit Sunbird
Sunfreeware -- Freeware for Solaris Tar Tcl/Tk Tcl/Tk Plug-in teTeX
Thunderbird Tucows Downloads VDrift vile VIM
VLC Window Managers Guide Windows Media Player WorkMan WorldForge XAnim Xconq XFree86 xine
xmcd xmms Xmorph XO Activities XPaint
XPilot xplay xscorch xshogi XZip